How to Install:

Get a Pro!
Available in select cities
Get installation service with one of our Pro Installers. Purchase the installation service along with CarPlay and just wait for their call to get your appointment scheduled!

Find a Verified Installer
Get installation service with one of our Verified Installers. These Verified Installers have worked directly with our customers and have experience with our CarPlay products.

Our CarPlay products are carefully designed for easy plug-and-play installation. If you feel capable of taking apart your dash, then the rest is easy with our installation manuals and our support team on your side!

How much does it cost to install CarPlay?
Installation costs vary by region and by installer.
Usually pricing goes anywhere between $300 and $600.
Standard cost of living, regional taxes, and other economical factors affect the price.
As the customer, you do have the power to shop.
We recommend choosing an installer who you have confidence in and also has good online reviews.
Installer Locator
Our Pro Installers and Verified Installers are shown in the Installer Locator. Type in your zip code or address to view installers near you.
View our installer locator below (may take a couple of seconds to load properly):
Can't find an installer near you?
No problem! Search online for "car stereo" or "car audio" shops. Our systems are plug-and-play, so any experienced car audio technician can install.
Give us a call for further assistance! We can help.
- E-mail:
- Toll Free: 855-558-6284
Installing yourself?
If you know your way with taking apart dash panels, then this could be a D.I.Y. project for you! We provide installation manuals and videos on how to install and test our CarPlay systems. Manuals can be found in the CarPlay box.
We provide some installation kits to customers that are interested in DIY install. The tools in this kit will allow for a smoother install. If you were to purchase one, we will send you the tools necessary to install in your vehicle make/model from the tools shown.
Our Tech Support Team is ready to assist you. Our Tustin, CA office is staffed with Tech Support representatives and can be reached via call, text, or email. Please contact us if you have questions about the installation process.
This 'How to Installation' menu is intended for informational and reference purposes only.
We do not recommend implicitly or explicitly, to anyone, performing any of the procedures described in these contents and manuals.
We are also not responsible for any property damage, personal injury and/or death, or any other loss or damage that may result from following these informational guides.