How to unpair all wireless CarPlay connections

Applicable for all UNAVI CarPlay for Audi, BMW, Lexus, MINI, Volkswagen, Volvo

If you need to pair your iPhone again, it is ideal to start from scratch and ensure all connections to wireless Apple CarPlay are deleted. Here are two procedures to follow to successfully delete all wireless Apple CarPlay connections:

PROCEDURE 1: Delete all paired iPhones on the Apple CarPlay system

1. From the main menu of the Apple CarPlay screen, select EXIT or the car icon.

BMW CarPlay exit icon selected

2. On the UNAVI main menu, select the CarPlay icon.

UNAVI CarPlay Main menu iOS selected

3. In the CarPlay sub menu, select BT Reset.

CarPlay sub menu BT reset selected

4. Confirm the BT Reset by selecting the check mark

Confirm BT reset to delete Apple CarPlay connections

5. Once confirmed, the CarPlay will reboot, which will take you back to the OEM side.


 PROCEDURE 2: Delete the CarPlay connection on your iPhone

1. On your iPhone, go to Settings

iPhone main menu

2. From Settings, go to General

iPhone Settings page

3. From General, go to CarPlay

iPhone General page

4. From CarPlay, select GPlink

iPhone CarPlay settings page

5. From GPlink settings, select Forget This Car

iPhone CarPlay UNAVI settings page


After these two procedures are completed, CarPlay connection is completely gone from the CarPlay system and your iPhone. Now, you can begin to establish a new wireless or wired (USB) connection.

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